
Its 25th once again!

Forgive me but I have actually forgotten about the number of months we were together.

Like many other couples, Wei Xiang and I went through our rough patches to get to where we are today. This relationship wasn’t a typical “boy-chase-girl” to begin with. In fact it was the other way round. Yes, desperate or daring you might call but hey, look at the outcome.

My diary states that our history dated way back since May 10, 2010. It was a blue (and humid) Monday when school commenced 2 weeks before. I was at “Biz Park” – my school’s business canteen preparing for a Food and Beverage test which I really couldn’t be bothered for. I recalled a bet made between my friends that if my Eyecandy appears, I WILL have to non-hesitantly approach him for his number.  By whatever fate you call, Wei Xiang (who was already my Eyecandy then) appeared with his group of friends at Biz Park. Besides being all excited and having a gazillion of butterflies in my tummy all for the wrong reasons, I wondered what made the odds of him appearing. Of course my guts weren’t substantial enough to get his number but well, before anyone could think of any better idea, one of my friends took my phone and approached him. That’s it, I thought. 90% I knew the outcome was my face going down the drain as he would most probably reject the idea but once again fate continues to surprise me ….. He actually gave his number (and not his name).

Then the texting began. Whatsapp wasn’t conveniently used at that time so we had our nostalgic days when conversations were relied on traditional SMS.

25987_376223654052_7879714_nThis was how he looked like then. A sunshine boy that is always smiling.

30607_396181002770_1915154_nAnd this was (kind of) our first picture together after a few weeks of progression.

We progressed extremely fast and by saying that I don’t mean that we were holding hands or hooking up with each other. Wei Xiang and I developed feelings for each other very soon after we started talking. We went for movie and study dates and since I live a walkable distant away from school, he makes the effort to walk me to school and back home when our timings accommodate.

197459_10150119743994121_7985940_nBy surface, many thought that it was all going smoothly but no. By progressing too fast, we had little understanding about each other and it went to nothing but troubles after. In other words, I felt like our relationship had no strong foundation. I myself struggled with my own feelings because to be very honest I wasn’t sure if I was still in love with my ex boyfriend. Wx on the other hand had trust and commitment issues which I shan’t elaborate. We had our good days but soon agreed to end our relationship after our first trip to KL with my friends.

And so we went on our separate ways. God knows what Wei Xiang had been doing throughout those months but for me, someone special popped by. J was sincere and not to mention charming too. I wish we were still talking though but I guess he must be hating me for whatever I have done. Nonetheless, thank you for being there for me.

When we went on our breaks, Wei Xiang was having his SIP so I did not have to worry about bumping into him in school or anywhere else. 3 months passed. Wei Xiang and I started texting again. I did not have any intention of having us back together but I genuinely wanted us as friends though I was sure that he was still the one I love. I was screwed up then. Always clubbing and making a fool out of my drunk self, which I hated and promise to never return to that life again. Well, we did not text everyday but somehow texting occasionally led to texting everyday. Back to square 1? Maybe.

Things were going smoothly and when we felt like it was ready to meet and hang out, we did. We started going out once again. We were dating but chose to remain oblivious to our status. I mean c’mon, after all that has happened, who would’ve accept it? I often quarreled with Wei Xiang due to his “showing-too-much-concern” actions. He on one hand doesn’t admit his feelings and still chooses to do things like sending me home and dropping by my place to pass me food, tell me how not to.

Till one day….


And since then, we decided to take things from scratch all over again. We realized that there wasn’t a need to rush things. As the saying goes, what is meant to be, will always be. Two who are meant for each other will ultimately find their way back into love.


I was happy to have Wei Xiang back in my life but silently hurting as well. It was not easy to face our friends and family. There were so many explanation to do and nasty judgements made. People were against us (more like me). I lost some of my good friends and hardly ever talked to many. I was sad but always putting up a cheery brave front, like how I always am. Then, as days past, it got me thinking why do I have to care about what others thought when I have those who should care about me, caring already.

A blessing in disguise I would say. God revealed to me people whom I can trust. Thank You.

So below are some snippets of our journey thus far. Apologies that photos are not in order.


Wei Xiang enlisted as a commando and this made our relationship a little more challenging. He doesn’t have much admin time and thus, we hardly talk during the weekdays. Worst still, he has long overseas trainings and only books out on Saturdays.

I know…


IMG_5556Christmas 2012 in Church.


Reunite after one month of training in Taiwan.


Celebration after my last paper in Temasek Polytechnic. I honestly could not wait for internship to start then.

527269_10150655372244121_650759120_9148923_1354950486_nCelebrating my 18th birthday back in 2011.

IMG_4001Sunday brunch at House.


We were trying to spend as much time as we can before he enlist. This was our first time visiting Universal Studios. 28th July, I remember.


2 days before enlistment, we went to take the G-MAX and it was seriously. UHMAZING.


Oh, Wei Xiang is a kayaker and this was our first race together. My inexperience caused us to come in last but its okay, we were contented that we completed it together.

Photo on 6-5-12 at 7.26 PM

Tampines and Parkway Starbucks are our favorite hang out place.

4-up on 3-5-12 at 9.50 PM

When I had short hair. Oh, this was went we got back together after our break.


21st July 2012, he officially asked me to be his girlfriend again. After months of re-dating.


Black Heads night.


There is nothing more I would emphasis other than trust, understanding and respect between each other in a relationship. Wei Xiang and I come from very different backgrounds and no,  we are absolutely not the best and perfect couple. There are times where we just can’t agree on certain things and that drives me mad especially when I am close to a perfectionist. Wei Xiang on the other hand have been very understanding and tries to have things my way but that again pisses me off too because I can’t stand my other half not being able to make decisions and judgements. See how temperamental I can get, seriously Sheila. Nonetheless, I love the way how I am changed by his love. His love has taught me to be more forgiving, understanding and to see things at a wider horizon. His humbleness has changed me to stop being so full of myself. His kind heartedness by nature has influenced me to stop my gossips and my bitchiness. His imperfections is perfect for me.

In a relationship, remember that it is not just about the both of you, It is taking two elements to combine together to create a useful molecule. Don’t forget that it is not just 2 person but also stepping into the lives of your other half. Look, I have learn to love Wei Xiang’s closest people just as my own. Sometimes its hard because of indifference but you never know where surprises will lead you to unless you give it a try, you’ll gradually enjoy their presence and be thankful for having them in your life.


His familia ♥


Mine ♥



To more 25ths ahead, cheers! xo